domingo, 13 de febrero de 2011


2. Directing Style
Sometimes a situation will call for a direct style of management. Perhaps a tight deadline looms, or the project involves numerous employees and requires a top-down management approach. Here, a manager answers five questions for the employees: What? Where? How? Why? and When? Let them know what they need to do, how they’re going to do it, and when they must be finished.

This style may seem cold and impersonal, but you still have an opportunity to be a motivating and accessible manager. For example, when you assign roles and responsibilities, provide helpful tips or share experiences you encountered with a similar project.
With this style, don’t be afraid to set specific standards and expectations. Your communication, therefore, must be detail-oriented, unambiguous, and free of buzzwords and jargon. You also need to set clear, short-term goals like, “Your goal is to complete three reports a day.”
In addition, be willing and able to make decisions quickly. Midway through a task, for example, you may direct someone to switch from doing one thing to another. Let your people know from the outset that this may occur; it will help them transition more smoothly. Make sure, as well, to reward and recognize jobs well done.
Ejercicio#1. Unidad II. A la oración, indicar nucleo de la Frase Verbal y nominal, pre y pos modificadores y tiempo verbal.
This style may seem cold and impersonal, but you still have an opportunity to be a motivating and accessible manager
This = Pre modificador
style = Núcleo de la frase nominal
This style = Frase nominal
may seem = Núcleo de la Frase Verbal; Tiempo verbal compasivo vos pasiva con
may seem cold and impersonal, but you still have an opportunity to be a motivating and accessible manager. = Frase Verbal
Ejercicio#2. Unidad II. A la oración, indicar nucleo de la Frase Verbal y nominal, pre y pos modificadores y tiempo verbal.
Your communication, therefore, must be detail-oriented, unambiguous, and free of buzzwords and jargon.
Your = Pre modificador

communication = Núcleo de la frase nominal
This = Pre modificador
Therefore = Pos modificador
This style may seem = Frase nominal
must be detail-oriented = Núcleo de la Frase Verbal; Tiempo verbal presente simple
must be detail-oriented, unambiguous, and free of buzzwords and jargon. = Frase Verbal

IDEA PRINCIPAL DEL PARRAFO (Ejercicio #2, Unidad II. Ingles Instrumental)
El párrafo tomado de los tres tipos de estilos de gerentes efectivos, no dice como debe ser el estilo de un gerente directivo, este estilo se necesita colocar planes ajustados al hacerles saber a los empleados lo que necesitan hacer, como van hacerlo y cuando deben terminar. Este estilo parece frio, calculador o impersonal pero se puede ser motivador y accesible asignándoles a los empleados roles y responsabilidades, brindarles consejos útiles o compartir experiencias de proyectos anteriores.
En este estilo se deben establecer normas específicas y expectativas. La comunicación debe ser sin ambigüedades y libres de palabras de moda o no acordes. Se deben establecer objetivos claros a corto plazo.
También se debe estar dispuesto a tomar decisiones rápidamente a mitad de una tarea y dejar que su personal sepa que esto pueda ocurrir, y asegurarse de recompensar y reconocer los trabajos bien hechos.

Tomado del articulo “Three Effective Management Styles

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