Es esta unidad aprenderemos las técnicas necesarias para facilitar la búsqueda de las palabras en ingles y cual se adapte al contenido para facilitar la lectura y comprención del texto.
1. Participatory StyleHere, it is critical to give each employee an entire task to complete. If that's not possible, make sure the individual knows and understands his or her part as it relates to the project or task. When people on your team know where they fit in the big picture, they're more likely to be motivated to complete the task.
Take the time to explain the details and why their role is important. Get their input on the task and its significance. This will give them a sense of value, and hopefully, encourage them to take ownership of their piece of the project. Do your best to make sure your employees understand the tasks. Ask questions that might seem obvious; the asking alone will reinforce an employee’s understanding of the work.
If your tasks are divided among groups, coordinate each group’s contribution so that everyone knows where and how they fit in. Make a concerted effort to minimize obstacles and difficulties that arise. Let people know that you’re happy to clear their paths so when a problem does arise, you are informed in a timely manner.
Reward not only jobs well done, but motivation as well. This will maintain the momentum and let people know that you have faith in their efforts.
Palabras nuevas
Encourage = v. Animar
Hopefully = adv. Esperar
Sense = v. Sentir
People = (personas; gente; pueblo; habitantes) sustantivo cocreto, no contable
Employee = (Empleado; trabajador; empleada; trabajadora) sustantivo cocreto, contable
Groups = (Grupos)sustantivo concreto, contable
Take = (obtener; conseguir)
Make = (Hacer; efectuar)
Give = (Dar; Ofrecer)
Get = (Obtener; Conseguir)
Have = (tener; haber; poseer; tomar)
important = (importante; destacado)
Likely = (probablemente; posiblemente)
Timely = (oportuno)
Hopefully = (con optimismo; con ilusión)
The = (la; el; los; las; lo)
A/an = (un; una)
to = (a; para; en; hasta)
of = (de; a; para)
in = (en; dentro de; sobre; adentro; bajo; de cada)
If = (si)
that = (que)
and = (y)
but = (pero)
This = (este; esta)
understands = (entiende)
Reward = (Recompensa)
Likely = (probablemente; posiblemente)
Timely = (Recompensa)
Understanding = (comprensión; entendimiento)
Individual = (Individual)
to be = constipated: sufrir de estreñimiento (y no estar constipado, que se dice to have a cold/chill)
IDEA PRINCIPAL DEL PARRAFO (Ejercicio #1, Unidad I. Ingles Instrumental)
El párrafo tomado de los tres tipos de estilos de gerentes efectivos, no dice como debe ser el estilo de un gerente participativo, este debe asegurarse que sus colaboradores entiendan las tareas, y que se integren al grupo y que sepan lo importante que es su papel dentro del grupo para cumplir con los proyectos u objetivos. Hacerles preguntas para saber si entendió la tarea asignada por muy sencilla que parezca. Recompensarlos por trabajos bien hechos, motivarlos para mantener el impulso y hacerles saber que se tiene fe de su trabajo bien hecho.
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